Sunday, March 07, 2010

We've moved

Blogs, that is! We're now providing updates on our life over at

Be sure to sign up over there for emails notifications when we make updates.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Days

This past weekend we actually got some real snow down here in Atlanta! It started snowing Friday afternoon and dropped about 4-5 inches on us. It was even good snowball and snowman making snow! Here's some pictures of us enjoying all the white stuff. We started out sledding down a nearby hill, then had an spontaneous giant snowman build with some neighbors. Frostzilla ended up being almost 10 feet tall when we were done!

Cody's First Gymnastics Competition

Cody had his first gymnastics competition on Feb 14th, and did great! We're all happy with his results since we didn't know what to expect, and our coach was also learning along the way. Cody placed in 4 events, and was 8th in the all around in his age group. Here's some pictures from the day and video of his floor routine!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Val's 40th Birthday!

Val proved that getting older doesn't need to mean you need to age! For her 40th birthday, she went skydiving! It was a beautiful day, and she had a great time. There was a mixture of excitement and nerves as she prepped and boarded the plane, but when she landed she was pumped. They even got to punch through a cloud on the way down. We've put the experience into video for you to enjoy.

I wonder what next year will bring?!

Val skydiving from Bill on Vimeo.


The kids had a good Halloween this year, with Maddie going as SuperGirl and Cody as an Army man. Cody's costume turned out to be handy since he sprained his ankle two nights before and was stuck with crutches. But he was a real trooper and made sure to hit every house no matter what it took! Maddie was adorable in her costume, pink of course! Val and I even joined in on the fun and dressed up for the night.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Val's competing again

Val took part in a CrossFit Affiliate Challenge this weekend. (Yes, I wimped out because I haven't been working out much lately) She did pretty dang good, and beat the 22 yr old beside her!

Here's a video of the competition:

Untitled from Bill on Vimeo.

Monday, January 05, 2009


OK, so this isn't so much about us but a friend of ours, but it was fun so I thought I'd post it. A friend of ours, Doug, is battling cancer and so far it's looking good. The chemo kicked in and he started losing his hair. So a few of us from the gym and his brother (the biggest guy) all went down the street and had our heads shaved to show our support. I felt like it made something that could be a little scary into something fun, and the video reflects that.

Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween and Birthdays!

This weekend was pretty eventful since Friday night was Halloween and Saturday was Val's birthday (29 and holding!).

For Halloween, Cody was as Commander Cody from Star Wars, and Maddie went as "The Pick of the Litter". Both were very cute and had a great time.

For Val's birthday, I took her paragliding! It was so fun and the kids were begging to try it, so we let them. Not sure if we were being cool...or crazy, but they had a blast. Since there was very little wind, I didn't go because it would be a shorter flight, but we are determined to do it again in the spring. Here's video of the day.