Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween and Birthdays!

This weekend was pretty eventful since Friday night was Halloween and Saturday was Val's birthday (29 and holding!).

For Halloween, Cody was as Commander Cody from Star Wars, and Maddie went as "The Pick of the Litter". Both were very cute and had a great time.

For Val's birthday, I took her paragliding! It was so fun and the kids were begging to try it, so we let them. Not sure if we were being cool...or crazy, but they had a blast. Since there was very little wind, I didn't go because it would be a shorter flight, but we are determined to do it again in the spring. Here's video of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys looked like you had alot of fun...dont think you could talk Uncle Bear Bear or Auntie T into that...we are frady cats!

Once again,kudo's to the production're the best Bill !!