Saturday, August 04, 2007

Sign Maddie's Cast!!

Due to some computer problems, I've been a little slow in posting this. But now you have the chance to (virtually) sign Maddie's cast! Here's the story...Maddie was jumping on the trampoline...and not doing anything wrong...but landed wrong and rolled over on her ankle. She broke both her tibia and fibula. :-( Fortunately, She was able to get a waterproof cast which saved the summer and let her keep swimming! After 3 weeks, she got a walking, waterproof cast and it hasn't slowed her down a bit. Please leave her a quick message!


Anonymous said...

You are the best Maddiemo!!! We miss you guys. Hearon's in Florida......................

Anonymous said...

finally, I got the pictures again, and of course, failed to mention Cody's room. It looks wonderful!! What an awesome job you guys did and I know Cody just loves it too.I would say kowdows (sp?) to everyone in the family, great job all around. I'm proud of you. Talk to you later, Hugs and Kisses Ga-Ga