Sunday, July 13, 2008

Val is trying out for American Gladiators

Here's Val's audition tape for American Gladiators! Actually, this isn't exactly it because we re-read the instructions before finalizing it and you can't have any music in the video. So we had to rework it to a much more boring video without music, but saved this one since we liked it.

Now we just have to wait and see if she gets picked!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!! Hope you make it!!! I'll be watching for you.
Mom (Karen)

Anonymous said...

What a awesome profile!!How could they not pick you..?!!Between Val's determination and grit,and Uncle Bill's amazing production skills,you are a terrific team.Thank for sharing this with us...we very much enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Val - You ROCK!!! They're crazy if they don't let you on the show. We'll keep our fingers crossed. LOVE the video! Good job Bill. :-)